State Certified for Lead Testing in Drinking Water
State Certified for Lead Testing in Drinking Water
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City Water

Most people receive water from a municipal, community or public water supply also known as city water.  Public water supplies are required to test their water on a regular basis by the EPA and make the results available to you in a Consumer Confidence Report (CCR).  To find your local drinking water information click here.   Even if you receive your water from a public water supply, you should still consider testing your drinking water for a variety of reasons, including:

If your home was built before 1986 or if you live in an older neighborhood you should test for Lead.  Lead problems in Chicago, Milwaukee and Flint Michigan have raised this issue to the top of the list of drinking water concerns.

If you are experiencing routine gastrointestinal problems you may want to test for Bacteria

Or if you suspect a broken pipe or just do not trust the results from your public water supply you may want to test your water for a variety of parameters.

Common tests for city water:

Includes Total
Coliform only

Includes Lead

Includes 5

  • Coliform
  • Nitrates
  • Arsenic
  • Copper
  • Lead

Includes 7

  • Alkalinity
  • Calcium
  • Hardness
  • Magnesium
  • pH
  • Sodium
  • Turbidity

Includes 22

    Protecting Human Health and the Environment Since 1936