State Certified for Lead Testing in Drinking Water
State Certified for Lead Testing in Drinking Water
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Property Transfer

If you are buying or selling real estate and need to test your water as part of the property transfer we can help.  State and County Health Authorities specify the tests required by locale.  Some states like Wisconsin have defined rules for property transfers.  Other Health Authorities may require testing as part of the lending process (i.e. FHA or HUD).  If you are unsure about the requirements in your area, ask your realtor, mortgage lender or County Health Department.  Below are some common property transfer test packages:

Package Tests Included Comment
  1. Total Coliform Bacteria (includes e.coli)
  2. Nitrates
  3. Arsenic
Tests for property transfers in Wisconsin
  1. Total Coliform Bacteria (includes e.coli)
  2. Nitrates
  3. Lead
Most common tests for most property transfers
  1. Total Coliform Bacteria (includes e.coli)
  2. Nitrates
  3. Arsenic
  4. Lead
  5. Copper
  6. Turbidity
  7. Total Dissolved Solids
Recommended list of tests for routine property transfer

Protecting Human Health and the Environment Since 1936